Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrated that one day, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ entered the masjid. He saw a man from the Anṣār called Abū Umāmah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu). He ﷺ asked, “What is the matter? Why are you sitting in the mosque when it is not the time for prayer?” He replied, “Never-ending worries and debts, O Messenger of Allah.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then asked, “Shall I not teach you words by which, when you say them, Allah will remove your worries, and settle your debts?” He replied, “Yes of course, O Messenger of Allah.” He ﷺ said, “Say in the morning and evening [the above].” Abū Umāmah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said, “Then I did that, and Allah removed my worries and settled my debts.” (Abū Dāwūd 1555)
ʿAbdullāh b. ʿUmar (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhumā) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ never failed to say these words in the morning and in the evening.” (Abū Dāwūd 5074)
Abū al-Dardā’ (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ that he said: “Whoever recites [the above] seven times in the morning and in the evening, Allah will suffice him in everything that concerns him in matters of this world and the next.” (Ibn al-Sunnī 71)
Sharīq al-Hawzānī (raḥimahullāh) narrates that I entered upon Aisha (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhā) and I asked her: “With which supplication did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ begin his Salāh when he woke up at night?” She replied: “You have asked me regarding something which no one has asked me before.” When he woke up at night, he uttered: Allāhu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) ten times, and uttered Alḥamdullillāh (All praise be to Allah) ten times, and said Subḥāna-llāhi wa bi ḥamdih. (Allah is free from imperfection, and all praise is due to Him.) ten times, and said: Subḥānal Malik al-Quddūs (How perfect is the Sovereign, the Most Holy) ten times, and asked Allah’s forgiveness ten times, and said: “There is no god but Allah” ten times, and then said: [the above] ten times. He then began the Salāh. (Abū Dāwūd 5085)
Anas b. Mālik (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates that the Prophet ﷺ said to Fāṭimah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhā), “What is preventing you from (doing) what I am advising you; that you say [the above] in the morning and evening?” (Nasā’ī in ʿAmal al-Yawm wa-l-Laylah 570)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “There is no one amongst you who, when he is stricken with grief and anxiety, says [the above] except that Allah will remove his grief and anxiety, and will give him joy instead.” The companions said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, should we not learn these words?’ He ﷺ replied, ‘Of course! One who hears it should learn it.’” (Ahmad 3712)